Vegetable price hiked beyond purchasing capacity

Chattogram Bureau :
The prices of vegetable of different spices went up abnormally beyond purchasing capacity for the last few days . Suddenly the vegetable prices hiked reasons not known anybody.
 Mentionable that price of barbat, jinga, karala, and sajana data are being sold at Tk. 80 to 90 per kg in the kitchen markets of the city. The consumers told this reporter that the prices of vegetable increased within the span of a week . Retailer sources said following the short supply of vegetable from the remote areas, the price hiked.
On the other hand, the prices of fish and meat remain steady where the egg and chicken prices increased from the last week. It is found in major kitchen market of Kazir dewri, Reazuddin bazaar, and chowkbazar that the prices of barbate, shim, vendi, karala , jinga are being sold at Tk 80 to 100 per kg. Fish and meat prices remained steady in themarkets’ Besides, eggs of poulty chicken and local chicken are being sold at Tk 110 and Tk150 per dozen .