VC vows to build RMU as centre of excellence


National Desk :
Prof AZM. Mostaque Hossain, newly joined Vice-chancellor of Rajshahi Medical University (RMU), has vowed to build the medical university as a center of excellence in terms of medical education and research.
“I will try my best to elevate the higher seat of medical learning to a good shape to meet up the demand of time,” said Prof Hossain, while talking to BSS at his office here Wednesday afternoon.
A competent and experienced administrative team will be constituted with the committed teachers for operating administrative and academic activities successfully.
This is the high time to generate skilled and competent workforce in the health sector to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic situation. “I want to emerge the RMU as a unique institution boosting the number of health experts,” he added.
Prof Mostaque Hossain, a former head of the Department of Surgery in Dhaka Medical College, said he has already held meetings with Rajshahi Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton and Divisional Commissioner Dr Humayun Kabir at their respective offices separately seeking their support to attain the cherished goal.
A site of 68 acres of land in Shilinda area in Rajshahi city has been selected for establishing its own campus of the university. There will be a 1,000-bed modern hospital attached to the university.
A nursing institute will also be established within the campus for creating skilled nurses.
