Varsity students urged to stop violence against children


Academics and development experts at a meeting have called upon university students to play their due role in stopping all sorts of violence against children to ensure child rights. They made the call at the views-exchange meeting jointly organised by Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur (BRUR) and World Vision Bangladesh (WVB) recently at conference room of the Academic Building No-03 on BRUR on the campus. One-hundred group leaders and group members of heroes, who are students of Begum Rokeya University having spontaneous interests in working to create social movement to stop violence against children, participated in the event. Earlier, the participants, as heroes of the university, participated in a workshop organised by WVB on September 20 last year to enhance their capacity in creating social renaissance for stopping physical violence against women. Divided in separate groups, the participants prepared their thoughts and ideas to stop violence against children and presented those in the meeting followed by open discussion session.
Registrar of BRUR Abu Hena Mustafa Kamal attended the meeting as the chief guest with Programme Cluster Manager for Rangpur Area of WVB Stephen Halder Ruven in the chair.
Administrator of the Public Relations, Information and Publication Division of BRUR Professor Dr Sarifa Salowa Dina, Head of the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism Dr Md Nazrul Islam, its Assistant Professor Tabiur Rahman, WVB officials Katherine Rosy, Dipesh Pau Thakur, Sabira Sultana Nupur, among others, were present.
