Varsity student dead in Ctg


A student of International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) was found dead at her residence at Navy gate colony of Chattogram city early Thursday.
The deceased was identified as Zakia Chowdhury, daughter of ATM Jobaer Chowdhury of the area. She was a second year student of the English literature department of the university. Police said as Zakia did not respond despite repeated calls her parents broke open the door of her room only to see her hanging from a fan around 3am. On information, police came and recovered the body.
Kabirul Islam, officer-in-charge (OC) of EPZ Police Station, said the body was sent to Chattogram Medical College and Hospital (CMCH) morgue.
The girl might have committed suicide and cause of her death will be known after a postmortem, said the OC.
A case has been filed in this regard, the OC added.
