‘Varsities must play role to produce skilled workforces’


Renowned educationists on Saturday said universities have to play key role in producing skilled workforces to boost the development process in the country.
Universities should expand their research works to create new knowledge to solve problems of the nation, they told a special lecture on “What are Universities for – in the 21 Century” organized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in the city.
The special lecture was held at Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury Auditorium of Social Science Building of Dhaka University (DU).
Prime Minister’s International Affairs Advisor Dr. Gowher Rizvi addressed the function as the chief guest with Chairman of the University Grants Commission(UGC) Prof. Abdul Mannan in the chair.
Dr. Rizvi thanked the organizers for arranging such type of lectures. He hoped that this lecture would play an effective role to enhance the quality of education.
Former Chancellor of the University of Derby, UK Sir Christopher John Elinger Ball delivered the lecture while Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University Prof. Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique delivered the welcome address.
Vice-Chancellors, Pro-Vice Chancellors and Treasurers from different public and private universities of the country attended the function.
DU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique in his speech said Dhaka University was set up in 1921 in the then undivided India with a view to spreading the light of knowledge among the common people of this region.
Since then, the University of Dhaka has emerged as the beacon of light of knowledge and civilization, he added.
Former Chancellor of the University of Derby, UK Sir Christopher John Elinger Ball stressed the need for fundamental research and technological development to solve various problems. He said universities should play the central role to produce skilled workforces for the nation.
