Vaccine certificate sans shots


Syed Shemul Parvez :
Journalist SM Nuruzzaman has received the vaccine certificate without taking any dose of vaccine. He received the vaccination SMS twice. But he could not take any dose as he was out of Dhaka for professional work and he was, however, corona infected before taking the second dose.
According to Nuruzzaman, he registered with the Surokkha app online on January 27 to get vaccinated against coronavirus.
Later, he received a message from city’s Rajarbagh Police Central Hospital on February 15 to receive the vaccine.
He could not take the dose as he was out of Dhaka at that time.
On April 12, instructions for taking the second dose SMS came on his mobile from the Department of Health.
Since he contracted coronavirus and was treated at home, he could not take the vaccination at that date.
Then on April 20, he received another SMS. There was mention, ‘Your second dose is done successfully. Receive the vaccine certificate from or the app.
‘Now I do not understand whether I got vaccinated at all, said Nuruzzaman.
This could be due to a server error or pressure, a technician said. The matter should be looked into very soon.
 Besides, if you want to send SMS, you have to give data input to those who are in charge of SMS software management. Department of Health Management Information System (MIS) Director Prof. Dr Mizanur Rahman said, the matter has come to our notice. We are looking into it.
Tanisha Akhter, who works in a private company, took the first dose of the vaccine in February. Although the date of the second dose was written in his registered vaccination card, But the SMS did not come yet.
So she is now worried about when to take the second dose. Not only Tanisha, things like that is happing every day.
People who want vaccination are confused about when is to be vaccinated.
Meanwhile, concerned people said that the matter is being investigated.
The Surokkha app, developed to help people to be registered to receive the Covid-19 vaccine in Bangladesh, is available on Google Play since February 4.
Health Department officials said registration could be done for a maximum of five family members using one phone number.
