‘USTR satisfies for BD’s measures after Rana Plaza collapse’


Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed on Monday said the United States Trade Reprehensive (USTR) expressed its satisfaction over the measures taken by the government after the Rana Plaza tragedy.
Besides, the United States and its buyers are also satisfied as Bangladesh made significant progress in fulfilling their 16-point conditions, he told the reporters after a meeting with US Ambassador Marcia S Bernicat at his secretariat office.
Export of Bangladeshi products is being increased cumulatively, the minister said, adding “no factory is shut down during the political unrest in the last three months”.
Referring to the survey of Democracy International funded by US Aid and UK Aid on the environment and labour rights in Bangladeshi RMG factories, Tofial said it found that “labourers of RMG factories are now satisfied over the working environment and wages. Moreover they are interested to elect their representatives from their factories.”
He said there has been conspiracy on Bangladeshi RMG products at home and abroad after the unexpected collapse of Rana Plaza. “But, none of them were labourers who had carried out the conspiracy,” he added.
