Use science, tech in all dev works: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday underscored the need for using science and technology in all development activities, saying it has opened up the doors to advance the nation towards prosperity at a faster pace.
“I’m determined to develop a science and technology based society to ensure improved living for the people,” she said while addressing the officials of the Ministry of Science and Technology at the Bangladesh Secretariat.
Hasina visited the Ministry for the first time on Wednesday after the formation of the government following the 5th January national election.
Elaborating various steps of her previous government in ensuring application of science and technology, the Prime Minister said initiatives have been taken to establish a digital Bangladesh by the year 2021.
In this regard, she mentioned the formulation of the National ICT Policy 2009 as well as setting up of union information and service centers across the country.
Hasina said that, her government has formulated a time-befitting, modern National Education Policy giving due emphasis on science, technology and ICT based education starting from the schools.
She said, six science and technology universities were set up during the 1996-2001 term of her government while seven more such universities were set up during 2009-2013.
The Prime Minister said Bangabandhu Fellowship on Science and ICT Project is being implemented to build a science based nation while other fellowships are given for research works.