USAID hands over 200 cyclone shelters


United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has handed over 200 cyclone shelters repaired under USAID’s “Increasing Community Resilience to Disaster (ICR)” project, implemented by World Vision in southwest Bangladesh.
The shelters provide over 100,000 community and project participants across Koyra, Dacope, Shyamnagar and Kaliganj sub-districts with access to safe and secure shelters during disasters such as cyclones and flooding and are the latest demonstration of the long-standing U.S. commitment to the people of Bangladesh.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director Kathryn Stevens and Ranjit Kumar Sen, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief joined the programme virtually. As a result of the renovation work, communities are now able to access the shelters with clean WASH facilities, including safe and potable water sources for drinking, toilets and hand washing facilities, which are now more important than ever in light of the Covid pandemic.
Shelters are also more accessible with improved access roads and ramps and have safe spaces for vulnerable groups, including women, adolescents, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.
Kumar Sen said with USAID and World Vision support, communities in Koyra, Dacope, Kaliganj and Shyamnagar have access to safe cyclone shelters.
“Now these shelters are the joint responsibility of communities and the government. We must take care of these shelters so that they keep our communities safe during frequent disasters such as cyclones and floods.”
USAID Mission Director Kathryn Stevens said since 2001, USAID has worked with the government of Bangladesh to build over 700 multi-purpose cyclone shelters in high-risk areas that have helped save thousands of lives all over the country.
“Over the past two years, USAID has supported refurbishment of these additional 200 shelters. This work included a range of repairs including water, sanitation, and electrical systems; painting; improving access roads and ramps to increase accessibility-all to provide safe spaces for women, children, families, and persons with disabilities.”
Through targeted interventions like this one, USAID is working to increase the institutionalized capacity, coordination and infrastructure required to prepare, respond, and reduce risks related to cyclones and other environmental shocks.
The US government, through USAID, has provided more than $8 billion in development assistance to Bangladesh since 1971.
Since 2020, USAID has provided over $200 million to improve the lives of people in Bangladesh through programmes that expand food security and economic opportunity, improve health and education, promote democratic institutions and practices, protect the environment, and increase resilience to climate change.
