US weighs special forces in Syria, helicopters in Iraq

Washington mulls escalating anti-ISIL campaign

Defence Secretary Ash Carter, accompanied by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Defence Secretary Ash Carter, accompanied by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Reuters, Washington :
The United States is considering sending a small number of special operations forces to Syria and attack helicopters to Iraq as it weighs options to build momentum in the battle against Islamic State, U.S. officials said on Tuesday.
President Barack Obama, deeply averse to over-committing American troops to unpopular wars in the Middle East, could view some of the options as more viable than others as he approaches the final stretch of his presidency.
Still, Obama’s administration is under pressure to ramp up America’s effort, particularly after the fall of the Iraqi city of Ramadi to Islamic State in May and the failure of a U.S. military program to train and arm thousands of Syrian rebels.
Two U.S. officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity to discuss ongoing deliberations, said any deployments would be narrowly tailored, seeking to advance specific, limited military objectives in both Iraq and Syria.
That option includes temporarily deploying some U.S. special operations forces inside of Syria to advise moderate Syrian opposition fighters for the first time and, potentially, to help call in U.S. air strikes, one official said.
Other possibilities including sending a small number of Apache attack helicopters, and U.S. forces to operate them, to Iraq, as well as taking steps to bolster other Iraqi capabilities needed to claw back territory from Islamic State.
The deliberations come as the United States looks to Syrian opposition fighters it supports to put pressure on Raqqa, the Islamic State’s stronghold, and for Iraqi forces to retake Ramadi after the city fell to the militants earlier this year.
The options appeared to stop short of deploying American troops in any direct ground combat roles, something Obama has so far ruled out.
Another report adds: The US is considering escalating its military campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group in Iraq and Syria, a US official said.
The new policy would mean additional air strikes and even “direct action” on the ground, US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter said on Tuesday, outlining a strategy shift that still needed approval from the president.
Testifying to politicians, Carter said US forces would not shy away from “direct action on the ground” if they see a chance to hit ISIL targets.
US President Barack Obama’s administration has not committed ground forces to back opposition and Kurdish rebels fighting ISIL in Syria, but has 3,500 troops in Iraq.
These troops have a “train and advice” role to help Iraqi forces battling the group but were recently drawn into fighting in northern Iraq.
