US weighs remaining Myanmar sanctions under Suu Kyi administration

AFP, Yangon :
Washington’s new ambassador to Myanmar on Tuesday said remaining sanctions had taken an “unintended” toll on the nation’s delicate economic development, as the US re-evaluates its embargoes on the former pariah state.
Myanmar’s stunning transition from decades of repressive junta rule to a civilian-led government steered by Aung San Suu Kyi and her pro-democracy party was accompanied by the lifting of most Western embargoes.
The United States rolled back many of its sanctions to reward reforms since 2011, but kept a clutch of blacklists targeting junta-era cronies and their sprawling business interests as it seeks to push further changes.
“We recognise that even these limited, targeted sanctions occasionally have unintended effects on the broader economy,” ambassador Scot Marciel said at a press conference in Yangon.
“Now in the aftermath of the transition to the new elected government we are again reviewing our sanctions,” he said, adding that he could not yet say what the result of next week’s review would be.
Washington is likely to maintain the backbone of its sanction powers in a nation where the military continues to wield huge political and economic power, despite Suu Kyi’s November election win.
Marciel said Washington would maintain focus on improving Myanmar’s human rights situation, as well as amending the country’s junta-drafted constitution, which ringfences the army’s continued clout and bars Suu Kyi from becoming president.
But he anticipated a “different conversation” under the new administration, steered by Suu Kyi from her role as state counsellor.
In December the US temporarily eased restrictions on Myanmar’s ports to unclog trade into the fast-developing country.
The move freed businesses to import and export through the main Yangon port terminal, which is run by Asia World, one of the country’s largest blacklisted conglomerates.
Marciel declined to be drawn on recent reports that Suu Kyi, in her role as foreign minister, had indicated that the US should refrain from using the term “Rohingya” to apply to the persecuted Muslim minority in western Myanmar.