US wants progress on Rohingya repatriation


BSS, Dhaka :
United States (US) Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl Miller on Tuesday said his country wants to see ‘real progress’ on ground in Myanmar so persecuted Rohingya community can return to their land of origin in sustainable manner.
“We really want to see some progress having people (Rohingyas) return (to Myanmar),” he told reporters after inaugurating a US funded ‘STEM’ education project at BRAC center in the capital. Miller said conducive condition on the ground for safe, sustainable, dignified return of all Rohingyas must be ensured and the repatriation’should start immediately’.
“What’s happening next door (Myanmar) … (and) how that will affect the (Rohingya) repatriation efforts, we have to see,” Miller said indicating the recent military coup in Myanmar.
The US envoy invited international community to join US in imposing severe sanctions on Myanmar that assault democracy. Miller said international community should step up more and help
Bangladesh in the region and globe resolve the crisis.
Bangladesh is hosting over 1.1 million forcefully displaced Rohingyas in Cox’s Bazar district and most of them arrived there since August 25, 2017 after a military crackdown by Myanmar.
That military crackdown is dubbed a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing” by the UN and “genocide” by other rights groups.
The Us ambassador along with Australian and Japan envoys here visited Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar last week to reiterate their unwavering support to Bangladesh’s humanitarian aid towards persecuted nationals of Myanmar.
Adding, that was his 12th visit to Rohingya camps, Miller said the visit gave a very positive strong message for continuing support from the international community.
“Not only support of humanitarian assistance .. support for ongoing pressure on Myanmar (as well),” he said.
As a partner country of Bangladesh, Miller said, the US under the new Biden administration has been trying to resolve the Rohingya crisis.
