US updates security message again


The US Embassy in Dhaka has updated its security message again for its citizens living in Bangladesh. “The threat against foreigners that was first announced in the September 28 Security Message for U.S. citizens remains real and credible. The Embassy strongly encourages U.S. citizens traveling to or residing in Bangladesh to take precautions, remain vigilant about their personal security, and be alert to local security developments,” the message updated on Sunday night reads.This security message also alerted the US citizens to the bombing that occurred early on the morning of October 24, in Huseni Dalan area of Old Dhaka, it mentioned.The attack was carried out against an Ashura procession of Shia Muslims, leaving dozens of Bangladesh nationals wounded and one dead.Embassy employees continue to exercise careful security practices when traveling throughout Bangladesh. US government personnel and their families are not permitted to be in most public places and are also prohibited from traveling on foot, motorcycle, bicycle, rickshaw or other uncovered means on all public thoroughfares and sidewalks.They are also restricted from attending large gatherings in Bangladesh, including events at international hotels.The Embassy encouraged US citizens to adopt similar security measures.
