US, UK can lead world again : Theresa May

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Street to attend parliament in London on Wednesday
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Street to attend parliament in London on Wednesday
BBC Online :
Theresa May is to vow to renew the UK’s special relationship with the US “for this new age” as she prepares to meet Donald Trump for the first time.
She travels to Philadelphia later to address Republican leaders at an event attended by the US president.
She will tell them that after Brexit, a “sovereign, global” Britain wants to enhance ties with its “old friends”.
On Friday, Mrs May will be the first world leader to hold face-to-face talks with Mr Trump in the White House.
Post-Brexit trade opportunities, security and intelligence co-operation and the future of Nato are likely to feature significantly in the talks.
Mrs May has said her goal is to build on the historic relationship between the two nations, underpinned by their shared values and common interests.
But she has said she “won’t be afraid” to speak candidly to Mr Trump on matters where they disagree, having criticised remarks the businessman has made in the past about women and Muslims.
Becoming the first foreign leader to be invited to visit the White House since Mr Trump’s inauguration has been seen as something of a coup for Mrs May.
The government is keen to capitalise on the US president’s strong personal and business links to the UK and his support for Brexit – which he has described as a “smart move”.
heresa May is walking into a meeting with the most unorthodox president in decades, a man who today she will flatter, calling for the US and UK to “lead together again” as he starts to “renew his nation”.
A man who has found huge popularity among millions of voters precisely because he doesn’t care for politician norms.
But also a man with whom Theresa May disagrees overtly on a very long list of issues, whose views millions of other voters are deeply worried about, who has just suggested he might support torture as president.
The prime minister believes that she can draw on the relationship and traditions between our two countries to talk frankly to President Trump, to disagree as well as discuss.