UNGA vote on Crimea: US regrets BD’s abstention


The United States has regretted Bangladesh’s abstention from joining the large majority regarding the resolution
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Crimea issue.
“I regret that Bangladesh was not able to join the majority on that important issue,” US Ambassador in Dhaka Dan Mozena told reporters at a meet-the-press event at American Club in the city.
Press and Information Office of the US Embassy Kelly McCarthy was also present.
The diplomat said he saw the vote which was very large vote. “…but it makes clear that the international community doesn’t accept the occupation…the annexation, I should say, by Russia of Crimea.
Mozena came up with the remark when a questioner wanted to know whether it was a shift from Bangladesh’s foreign policy.
Earlier on Thursday, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution on Crimea which Bangladesh has abstained from.
The resolution, which passed with 100 votes in favour, 11 opposed, and 58 abstentions, represents the world’s general opinion on the matter of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and Russia decision to seize Crimea.
Previously, President Obama called the referendum ‘illegal’ before announcing more sanctions against the country. The UN General Assembly vote signals that most countries agree (or aren’t willing to disagree) with him.
Earlier on Sunday, Russian Ambassador in Dhaka Alexander A Nicholaev at a country lecture programme expressed satisfaction over Bangladesh’ s abstention from the UNGA resolution.
The envoy claimed that joining of Crimea with Russia was not an issue of ‘annexation’, rather a ‘reunification’ one. The citizens of Crimea chose to be part of Russia and the West was playing a double standard in this regard, he also said. Nicholaev also said a referendum was held in Crimea on March 16 in full compliance with democratic procedures and international norms.
More than 82 percent of the electorate took part in the vote. Over 96 percent of them spoke out in favour of reuniting with Russia. These numbers speak for themselves, the diplomat said quoting the Russian President.
