US provides Tk 4,552.8cr for Rohingyas so far

Staff Reporter :
The United States has provided humanitarian assistance in response to the Rohingya crisis nearly $542 million (Tk 4,552.8 crore) since the outbreak of violence in August 2017.
 The US will continue its ongoing support to Bangladesh for addressing Rohingya crisis in a way that will also benefit the host community in Cox’s Bazar.
“This assistance helps improve lives of Bangladeshis in host communities by expanding access to healthcare and enhancing economic and education opportunities,” said a press release issued by the US embassy in Dhaka on Tuesday
Earlier, US Ambassador Earl R Miller visited Cox’s Bazar from September 13 to 15.
US assistance also supports humanitarian organisations and the Government of Bangladesh in improving preparedness, infrastructure and shelter for monsoon and cyclone seasons.
This funding is in addition to the more than $7 billion (Tk 58,800 crore) in US development assistance provided to Bangladesh since 1971.
In 2018 alone, the US government, through USAID, for example, provided over $219 million (Tk 1,839.6 crore) to improve the lives of people across Bangladesh through programmes that
increase food security and economic opportunity, improve access to education and healthcare, promote democratic institutions and practices, protect the environment, and boost resiliency to climate change. The United States recognises the challenges the refugee crisis has posed for local communities and the Government of Bangladesh.
The generosity of the people and government of Bangladesh in opening their hearts and borders to vulnerable Rohingya refugees is an example to the world. We will continue our partnership with the government of Bangladesh and our international organisation and non-governmental organization to address the refugee crisis in ways that uphold humanitarian principles while benefiting all people in Cox’s Bazar.