US official Stilwell to visit Myanmar Oct 27-30

UNB, Dhaka :
US Assistant Secretary David R Stilwell will visit Myanmar from October 27-30, apparently to see the situation on the ground in Rakhine State and hold meetings with the representatives of the Myanmar government.
The US says, Myanmar must create the conditions for the Rohingya’s “voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable” repatriation and guarantee their rights as recommended by the Annan Commission.
Stilwell will travel to Rakhine State to meet government and community leaders, victims of violence, and humanitarian partners, according the US Department of State.
This visit is his first to Myanmar in his capacity as Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Bangladesh is hosting over 1.1 million Rohingyas in camps in Cox’s Bazar.
The hosting of Rohingyas has come with genuine consequences for Bangladesh, which was already one of the most densely populated countries in the world, said Alice G Wells, US acting assistant secretary at the Bureau of South and Central Asia, recently.
Stilwell will meet representatives from the civilian government in Nay Pyi Taw, as well as individuals representing civil society organisations and ethnic communities during events in Yangon.
From Myanmar, he will also make his first visit to Malaysia in his current capacity, from October 30 to November 1.
While in Kuala Lumpur, he will meet government officials, business representatives, and civil society members to expand diverse partnership in security, trade, investment, and educational and cultural relations.