US-Iran talks make some progress, challenges remain

US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif lead their delegations at the talks held here on Wednesday.
US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif lead their delegations at the talks held here on Wednesday.

Reuters, Montreux :Simply demanding Iran’s capitulation is no way to get a nuclear deal with the country, US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday as he wrapped up three days of talks with a veiled dig at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.Mr Kerry said he and Iranian counterpart Mohammad Jawad Zarif made some progress in their negotiations in the Swiss lakeside town of Montreux and would resume them on March 15. His aides said many obstacles remained before a late March deadline for an outline accord between Iran and six world powers.”There are still significant gaps and important choices that need to be made,” Mr Kerry told reporters after more than 10 hours of talks with Mr Zarif.On Tuesday, Mr Netanyahu said in a speech in the US Congress that Washington was negotiating a bad deal with Iran that could spark a “nuclear nightmare”, drawing a rebuke from President Barack Obama and exposing a deepening US-Israeli rift.Mr Kerry said politics and external factors would not distract from the talks, which aim to constrain Iran with intrusive UN access and verification of its nuclear activity and lengthen the “break-out” time needed for it to build any nuclear weapon.”No one has presented a more viable, lasting alternative for how you actually prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. So folks, simply demanding that Iran capitulate is not a plan. And nor would any of our P5+1 partners support us in that position.”The other P5+1 countries are Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, who would all have to sign off on any deal.
