US has no specific info about killers

EU, France still on alert

SM Mizanur Rahman :
The United States does not have any specific information about who are responsible for the killing of two foreign nationals in Bangladesh.
“It’s by law enforcement authorities there in Bangladesh to confirm responsibility. It’s up to them to do this,” John Kirby, a spokesperson of US State Department told journalists at a regular press briefing on Monday.
He added, “I think it’s prudent for us to take ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and Levant) claims seriously, and we do.”
Replying to a query, the US State Department spokesperson said, “I just don’t have anything specific to give you in terms of actual responsibility for it. It’s difficult to say the degree to which ISIL is or is not operating in Bangladesh. I’m not at a position where I can make that determination.”
“But there is an investigation going on right now that they want to – if there is a need to be helpful, we want to be helpful,” he said.
He said, “We just let – we need to let the law enforcement agencies there in Bangladesh investigate this and come to their own conclusions.”
John Kirby said the US is working closely with the government of Bangladesh and other key partners to assess who is responsible for these attacks and to help bring them to justice.
“We certainly note with concern ISIL’s claim of responsibility for the attack. And, as we have elsewhere, we take those claims seriously,” he said
The IS reportedly claimed responsibility of the murders of an Italian national in Dhaka’s diplomatic zone and a Japanese national in northern Rangpur district.
However, the Bangladesh Government ruled out the any militant link with the murders saying these were a preplanned murder in a bid to destabilise the country.
Meanwhile, European Union (EU) Ambassador Pierre Mayaudon and France Ambassador Sophie Aubert on Tuesday expressed their satisfaction over the progress of investigation into the Japanese national Kunio Hoshi and Italian citizen Cesare Tavella murder cases.
Besides, they expressed satisfaction over the security measures taken by the government. They are not concerned over security at that moment but they still remain alert.
“Right now, we feel safer than before as police beefed up security measures,” said EU Ambassador Pierre Mayaudon in the sidelines of a workshop in the city. He said the projects remained suspended outside the capital due to some reasons, will be reopened soon. “All projects outside the capital will be reopened gradually.”
French Ambassador Sophie Aubert said there is no need to be concerned right now.
“Yet, we still remain alert. As security has already been beefed up for diplomats and foreigners in their workplaces and residences, we are satisfied and thank the Bangladesh government,” she said.