US-China example should encourage others to ratifying Paris climate deal

CHINA and the United States, which are responsible for 40 percent of the world’s carbon emissions ratified on Saturday the Paris climate agreement to cut emissions and reduce global warming. At a time when no big industrial nation was taking steps to put the treaty into force, their action appears to be encouraging for others to follow the suit. Besides the two big powers, 26 countries out of 180, which signed the treaty, have so far ratified the accord and they are mostly small island nations accounting for only I percent of global emission. Most developed and developing nations are going slowly. It may come into effect following ratification of at least 55 countries whose total carbon emission will not be less than 55 percent of global emission.
Paris climate deal has been adopted in last December 12 under a series of UN sponsored climate summits over the past several years to replace the Kyoto Agreement for reducing global warming. The new treaty is set to become effective from 2020 when developed countries will start providing US$ 100 billion in aid to developing countries for their adaptation and mitigation programmes. The funding will increase in subsequent years.  
Global media reported that the world’s two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases made the landmark announcement at G-20 Summit in Hangzhou, China and US believe that their action will bring the necessary breakthrough to accelerate ratification process by other big polluters. The agreement made it binding that the rise in global temperature must be at 1.5 degree Celsius or at least below 2 degree Celsius compared to 1980 level.
Bangladesh has signed the agreement but also going slow to ratify it at a time when some domestic factors like controversy over coal-fired Rampal Power Plant is agitating the nation. Ratifying Paris agreement may bring more pressure on the government to remove the power plants from the vicinity of Sundarbans, which appears to be under biggest threat from carbon emission and air and water pollution. When the global powers are winding up coal-fired power plants to protect environment our government is working to set up new coal-fired power plants to create more misgivings at home and in the international community. Even India is winding up most coal-fired power plants when it is working to developing new procedures how to adapt with climate friendly system in industrial production and mitigate threats to environment from growing air pollution and carbon emission.
Speaking in G-20 Summit on Saturday, US President Barack Obama hoped the Paris agreement would ultimately prove to be a turning point for our planet to make it safe. In our view, the USA and China have shown their leadership and the Vision for a safer world. Other nations now must ratify it to put it into effect as soon as possible.