US-Bangla airlines procures its 12th aircraft

Economic Reporter :
US-Bangla airlines, one of the country’s private carriers, on Friday added a brand new 72-seat turboprop ATR 72-600 aircraft to its fleet as part of its plan to increase flight frequency on both domestic and regional routes.
The new aircraft raised the current aircraft number of US-Bangla to 12 with its existing four Boeing 737-800, three DASH8-Q400 and four ATR 72-600, becoming the largest fleet among the countries private airlines.
The new aircraft landed at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA) at 3.25 pm flying from France after refueling in Egypt and Oman, a press release said.
The US-Bangla airlines is set to get one more same model aircraft this month while it has a plan to procure four more narrow-bodied aircraft by June next.