US, Australia, S Korea alert their citizens in BD


The United States, Australia and South Korea have urged their citizens to avoid the area around the restaurant at road 79 in Gulshan-2 in the city. The US citizens have also been advised to remain vigilant in their movements and activities, inside the diplomatic enclave and anywhere else in Bangladesh.
The US Embassy reminded US citizens that US government personnel are not permitted to visit many public places, travel on foot, motorcycle, bicycle, rickshaws or other uncovered means on public thoroughfares and sidewalks. They are also not permitted to attend large gatherings in Bangladesh, including events at international hotels.
“The US Embassy encourages US citizens to adopt similar security measures,” the Embassy said in a notice after the hostage situation at Holey Bakery in Gulshan-2, Dhaka has ended.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the government of Australia, in its updated travel alert urged its all citizens to exercise a high degree of caution.
A hostage taking incident in the Gulshan 2 area of Dhaka on July 1-2 has been resolved, it said mentioning that the area is still under investigation with movement restrictions in place.
“You should continue to avoid the Gulshan 2 area for the time being, remain vigilant and follow the advice of local authorities,” said travel advice read. Australian officials in Bangladesh continue to be advised to exercise particular caution, including in public places, locations frequented by foreigners, and during gatherings, it said.
“Officials have also been advised to travel only by vehicle. We recommend that Australians adopt similar security measures,” said the Australian government adding that “You should exercise a high degree of caution in Bangladesh.” The South Korean Embassy in Dhaka has issued a travel advisory for its citizen living in Bangladesh. “We’ve maintained the travel advisory that they should maintain their vigilance and avoid the public places like hotels, restaurants and so on,” said a senior diplomat at the Korean Embassy.
Meanwhile, Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), which was scheduled to be held on Sunday, has been cancelled, according to Japanese Embassy in Dhaka.
