Rohingya Repatriation: US asks Myanmar to take urgent steps

UNB, Dhaka :
USAID Administrator Mark Green has calledon Myanmar government to take urgent, concrete steps to fulfill its pledge to allow for the safe, voluntary and dignified returns of Rohingyas from Bangladesh.
He also called on Myanmar to fulfill the promise of the country’s democratic transition by respecting the human rights, and dignity of all ethnic peoples, regardless of membership in particular ethnic groups or minority communities.
The call came as administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) ended his three-day visit to Myanmar.
Administrator Green visited Rakhine State, where he saw first-hand the alarming reality that faces Rohingya communities, said the USAIDon Monday.
During his visit, the Administrator met with representatives of both Rohingya
and Rakhine communities supported by USAID in Northern Rakhine and Sittwe to learn about the challenges they face including, lack of basic infrastructure.
He was deeply troubled to see Rohingya denied basic access to education and livelihoods, and left dependent on emergency humanitarian relief for food and medical care.
Rohingya communities also face harsh restrictions on freedom of movement that run counter to the core tenets of democracy and international human-rights principles.
The Administrator met with representatives of multiple non-governmental organizations that are providing assistance to all communities in Rakhine State, and are working to build trust between communities torn apart by violence and prejudice.