US approves, then cancels, Iran strikes after drone shot down : NYT report

Trump had initially approved strikes on a handful of targets such as radar and missile batteries.
Trump had initially approved strikes on a handful of targets such as radar and missile batteries.
Agencies :
Donald Trump approved but then scrapped strikes against Iranian targets on Thursday, The New York Times reported, after Iran shot down a US drone in what the president termed a “big mistake.”
The US was planning to hit “a handful of Iranian targets, like radar and missile batteries” Thursday evening, the newspaper said, citing senior administration officials, but the plan was suddenly aborted in its early stages.
White House and Pentagon officials declined to comment, the Times said, and it was unclear whether there were plans for such strikes to go forward in the future.
Iran said earlier it had recovered parts of a US Global Hawk spy drone in its territorial waters after downing the aircraft in a missile strike, but the Pentagon says it was above international waters when it was hit.
Iran said it has ‘indisputable’ evidence US drone violated its airspace and also released a video that apparently shows one of its missile bringing down a drone.
Deputy foreign minister Abbas Araghchi told Swiss ambassador, Markus Leitner, whose country represents US interests in Iran, of the evidence on Thursday night, the foreign ministry said in a statement.
“Even some parts of the drone’s wreckage have been retrieved from Iran”s territorial waters,” Araghchi told the Swiss envoy.”
Araghchi urged US forces to “respect Iran’s aerial and maritime borders and fully abide by international regulations,” the minis try said.
He “reiterated that Iran does not seek a war and conflict in the Persian Gulf, warning the American forces against any unconsidered measure in the region,” it added.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran would not hesitate for a moment to decisively defend its territory against any aggression,” the statement quoted Araghchi as saying.
“Iran made a very big mistake!” Trump tweeted, before later appearing to dial back tensions.
“I find it hard to believe it was intentional, if you want to know the truth,” Trump said. “I think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid that did it.”
The president’s mixed message left the world unsure what Washington’s next move would be.
“You will find out,” Trump said, when asked about possible retaliation.
“We don’t seek war, but will zealously defend our skies, land & waters,” said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif..
White House and Pentagon officials declined to comment, the Times said, and it was unclear whether there were plans for such strikes to go forward in the future.
Iran said earlier it had recovered parts of a US Global Hawk spy drone in its territorial waters after downing the aircraft in a missile strike, but the Pentagon says it was above international waters when it was hit.