US airstrikes on Syria kill 26 civilians, mostly women, children

US-led coalition air strikes killed 26 civilians including 14 children Friday in a holdout of Daesh in eastern Syria.
US-led coalition air strikes killed 26 civilians including 14 children Friday in a holdout of Daesh in eastern Syria.

Xinhua, Damascus :
U.S.-led airstrikes killed at least 26 civilians on Friday in Syria’s eastern province of Deir al-Zour, state news agency SANA reported.
The airstrikes targeted the town of Hajin in the eastern countryside of Deir al-Zour, said SANA, adding that women and children were among those killed.
Civilian casualties were reported before as a result of U.S.-led strikes on the last Islamic State (IS)-held areas.
The United States has been backing the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces to defeat the IS on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River near the Iraqi border. Airstrikes on this area have recently been renewed as the Kurdish-led groups were planning a second wave of attacks on the IS after a failed attempt on Sept. 10.
The Syrian government has long questioned the intention of the U.S.-led operations in this oil-rich area.
The US-led air raids also resulted in the injury of hundreds of civilians, some of whom suffered permanent disabilities and had to have their limbs amputated.
The monitoring group noted that the civilians were killed by US-led warplanes in Syria’s northern province of Raqqah, northeastern province of Hasakah, northwestern Aleppo and Idlib provinces as well as Dayr al-Zawr province in the country’s east.
A so-called monitoring group says US-led airstrikes have killed 3,222 civilians in Syria since 2014.
According to the war monitor, the civilians, including 14 children and nine women, were all members of Daesh families.
The airstrikes reportedly targeted a Daesh hideout in the town of Hajin, located along the Euphrates River, south of Dayr al-Zawr. The coalition’s raids earlier killed another seven civilians in the nearby village of al-Shaafa on Thursday, Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman.
Hajin’s civilians were also targeted by the airstrikes of the so-called military coalition’s fighter jets last Saturday, when 15 people, mostly women and children, were killed.
3,222 civilians have lost their lives ever since the US-led coalition purportedly fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group launched its aerial bombardment campaign in the conflict-plagued Arab country more than four years ago, the Observatory said in September.
