UP chairman convicted in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Rabeya Begum, judge of Judicial Magistrate Court-2, Bagerhat, in a judgment delivered on Thursday convicted Rafikul Islam Babul, UP Chairman of Perikhali under Ramapal Upazila in Bagerhat district and Joint Secretary of Rampal Upazila Awami League and sentenced him to suffer imprisonment for 1.5 years and to pay a fine of Tk.3 thousand in default to suffer another imprisonment for one month more on the charge of physically assaulting a woman school teacher.
The prosecution story, in short, is that on June 06, 2014 Khadiza Yasmin, an Assistant Teacher of Barakatakhali Govt. Primary School within Perikhali Union Parishad went to the village Barakatakhali in order to make the voter list update. At that time Rafikul Islam Babu, UP Chairman of Perikhali created pressure on her to enlist the name of particular person, who was already enlisted in the voter list and received his ID card, in the new voter list. But the school teacher did not surrender to the pressure. As a result, the UP Chairman became furious and assaulted her physically. Then when her husband Md. Rabiuls Alam tried to save her wife the UP Chairman also assaulted him physically. After long 26 days of the incident the husband registered a case with Rampal PS on July 10 in the same year with the advice of the then Election Office of Bagerhat.
But the IO (investigation Officer) of the case maintained a secret relation with the accused UP Chairman, So, Md. Rabiul Islam, the plaintiff of the case submitted a petition to the Police Super of Bagferhat requesting him to shift the case from the PS to DB Police of Bagerhat and accordingly the case was handed over the case to the DB Police of Bagerhat district, The DB Police investigated into the matter and submitted a charge sheet to the court.
