UNYSAB distributes Eid clothes in DU

Campus Report :
United Nations Youth and Student Association of Bangladesh (UNYSAB) organized a programme namely ‘Eid for Street Children – 2015’ at TSC of the University of Dhaka recently.
In presence of Dr. Syed Md. Saikh Imtiaz, Chairman of the university’s Department of Women and Gender Studies and UNYSAB President Mohammad Mamun Mia, 150 street children were given new dress to celebrate Eid. Later, members of the organization had their iftar with the children.
UNYSAB has conducted similar campaign in seven divisions including Jahangirnagar University, providing thousands of street children with new dress for Eid this year. The campaign included giving new clothes to the street children, sharing Iftar with them for a day, distributing items for an improved diet on the Eid day in the slums and arranging a drawing competition between the street children.
UNYSAB will be distributing food items in the slums of Dhaka before Eid to ensure an improved diet for the slum children.