UN expert says: UNSC must act on Rohingya crisis

UNB, Dhaka :
The UN Security Council should issue a strongly worded resolution on the Myanmar crisis, the Special Rapporteur on the country’s human rights has told the UN General Assembly in New York.
“The crisis in Rakhine State has not only been decades in the making but has for some time gone beyond Myanmar’s borders. For a very long time now this issue has not been simply a domestic affair,” Yanghee Lee was quoted as saying in a statement UNB received from New York on Thursday.
The Special Rapporteur condemned the widespread use of hate speech against the Rohingyas and other communities, stressing that it amounted to incitement to hostility and even violence.
“It has been cultivated for decades in the minds of the Myanmar people that the Rohingya are not indigenous to the country and therefore have no rights whatsoever to which they can apparently claim,” Lee said, presenting her full report to the General Assembly.
The Special Rapporteur said she was concerned about how long it might take for the Government to establish conditions for the “safe and dignified” return of the Rohingyas, and to ensure they could rebuild their lives.
It was essential that all those responsible for human rights violations were held to account, Ms. Lee said, and this should begin with full access
for the Human Rights Council’s fact-finding mission.
The Special Rapporteur said the plight of the Rohingyas remained her main concern, but Myanmar had numerous other human rights challenges.
Many communities had suffered from the development of “Special Economic Zones” and some people had had land confiscated, she said.
Meanwhile civilians in Kachin and Shan States were affected by reported clashes between the armed forces and ethnic armed groups, amid increasing allegations of serious rights violations and decreasing humanitarian access.
Lee said it was unclear whether Myanmar’s peace process had advanced since the signing of the nationwide ceasefire agreement two years ago.
Consistent reports about incidents of religious intolerance against Christians and Muslims had also reached her from across the country, she added.
The Special Rapporteur urged the government to publicly embrace all the communities which make up the population of Myanmar and use its majority in Parliament to strike down all discriminatory laws, to show that all groups in Myanmar have equal rights.