Unpaid gas bills and big users apathy to pay

NEWS report said different gas distribution companies have a total of Tk 4369.74 crore unrealized gas bills with public and private entities till June 2016. Private manufacturing plants and public sector bodies not paying the bills using their leverage within the administration while gas distribution companies are looking to hike gas price to overcome cash shortage. The big question that ponders many is that if the gas distribution companies are failing to realize the gas bills, how they will pay gas production companies to accelerate new gas well drilling. Titas Gas being the largest gas distribution company in the country has alone Tk 1000 crore in default and there is no easy way to realize the bills.

It is really upsetting that the mismanagement of gas distribution companies under tight political control of powerful persons of the government is aggravating the financial discipline in the gas sector. When this is the case gas distribution companies are also spending large amount of money for organizing AGM, paying honorarium of Board Members, buying transports and paying overtime bills, much of which are fake bills to grab money under false cover. In this context, we must say that it is not sensible at all if these expenditures are too big to make the distribution companies to suffer from liquidity crisis. A highly profiteering sector has become cash starved due to unpaid gas bills by big users.


According to a Petrobangla data, Tk 1614.84 crore has remained unrealized at the state-owned factories and institutions while Tk 2754.89 crore with the private sector. Power sector is at the top gas bills defaulters’ list. The data showed that Tk 464.69 crore was unrealized to the public sector while 308.28 crore to private sector. Captive power plants alone have Tk 747.40 crore unpaid bills. Indications suggest the authorities concerned are not taking any credible step to realize the big amount because most people are powerful to sidetrack the pressure. Even some ministers are on the list of gas bill defaulters who are running their gas fired power plant in private sector. Company officials are helpless but they are supplying gas uninterrupted to their power plants.
Even some private power generation companies sidetracking payment showing the lame excuses such as they are not receiving electricity bills and others. It is unbelievable that these private companies are breaking terms of the agreement with gas distribution companies using their undue influence.

It appears that influential persons and within and around the government who are running their own business using state supplied gas are mainly defaulting the bills no matter it is destroying the gas distribution companies. It shows their unending corruption and greed but the nation is paying for it. The situation must change before these organizations become bankrupt.
