United resistance against communalism stressed


Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon on Saturday urged all pro-liberation forces to build a united resistance against the militancy and communalism.
“A vested quarter has been trying in a planned way to create communal division in the country. They have also been trying to divide the nation by their destructive activities,” he told the inaugural session of National Council of Bangladesh National Awami Party (NAP) at Engineer’s Institute auditorium in the city.
Presided over by the Executive President of NAP Amina Ahmed, Chief Prosecutor of International Crime Tribunal (ICT) Golam Arif Tipu, former Joint General Secretary of Awami League (AL) Muzaffar Hossain Poltu, General Secretary of Sammyabadi Dal Dilip Barua, Secretary General of Jatiya Party-JP Sheikh Shahidul Islam, Convener of Communist Center Dr Wazedul Islam and General Secretary of NAP Advocate Enamul Haque addressed the function among others.
Earlier, the recorded speech of founder President of NAP Professor Muzaffar Ahmed was played before the councilors and delegates in the function.
