United efforts to end violence against women underscored


Speakers at a press conference unequivocally called for forging social resistance and movement to end violence against women and children in the society.
They viewed all of us should raise voice and work together to address the social problem collectively as only the government or any other single organization cannot bring any positive result in this regard.
Association for Community Development (ACD) organized the press conference in its conference hall in Rajshahi on Thursday to mark the observance of ‘Prevention of Repression and Violence against Women and Children Fortnight-2017’.
ACD Programme Coordinator Ehsanul Amin and its Programme Manager Rabiul Islam and Monitoring and Documentation Officer Md Rahatullah spoke on the occasion.
Monitoring and Documentation Officer Bilkish Ara Chowdhury presented a concept paper on the issue. Terming child marriage as major violence and gross violation of human rights, Bilkish Chowdhury said there is no alternative to checking it substantially.
Despite multifarious interventions by the government and non-government organizations concerned, the child marriage is taking place. In this situation, the community people and mass-media should come forward positively.
She said unemployment, intrusion of foreign culture and weak family bondage are triggering various unexpected incidents like sexual harassment.
