Uninterrupted online education is a must to cover the loss during shutdown


IN the wake of Covid-19 outbreak, public universities have shutdown in-person classes. But most of them have failed to offer their students an alternative online education. Academics warned that if the shutdown of universities is prolonged, there is a strong possibility that session jams will increase significantly. However, some universities have started online classes on a pilot basis. Once normalcy returns, University Authorities say, they will take extra classes, curtail summer vacation and public holidays, to make up students’ losses. Dhaka University authorities said that they will hold classes on public holidays and weekends once it reopens, and if possible it will shorten the summer vacation in June. All the 46 public universities have been closed since March 24 and the government has now extended the closure till May 5, in a bid to stem the further spread of Covid-19.
Educators said many students, especially those living in rural areas, lack the steady internet connection or the devices to be able to learn remotely. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics’ Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019 found only 37.6% of households in the country has access to the internet by any device from home. It also found only 5.6% of households have a computer or tablet. Telecom insiders said there is 30% smartphone penetration in Bangladesh. There are a total 10 crore SIM cards — of these, around four crore are unique users. Of the public universities, only SUST in Sylhet has started online classes through the Zoom app in the last week of March. Globally universities are the harbour of exercising new methods and new tools, but our universities lag in all spheres.
In the coming days, online education and research will dominate the education sector and the world as well. The educating method of our universities in research and innovation will define our position in the new world.
