Unilever Leadership Internship Program at BRACU

A view of the 'Unilever Leadership Internship Program' hosted by the Career Services Office's (CSO) of BRAC University at University Auditorium in the city recently.
A view of the 'Unilever Leadership Internship Program' hosted by the Career Services Office's (CSO) of BRAC University at University Auditorium in the city recently.

Campus Report :
In collaborations with private and public organizations to plug the ‘academic-industry gap’, the Career Services Office’s (CSO) of BRAC University has recently hosted the ‘Unilever Leadership Internship Program’ at University Auditorium in the city.
The pressing need to address the leadership deficit in the economy is central to the practical objectives of both the CSO (working towards this end through the Professional Skills Development Program (PSDP) and Unilever, whose programs share a natural affinity.
Mononita Syed Haq (Human Resource Director, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd), Taslima H. Jaigirder (Leadership Development Manager, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd), and Khan A. N. Murshid (Director Career Services Office) shared their insights on the importance of the leadership theme, before delivery of the recruitment selection program itself.
Mononita Syed-Haq encouraged the students to build leadership skill by stating “Be a sponge, never be a rock. If you’re a sponge you can absorb and grow. An inflexible mind will prevent you from consuming knowledge and thus excelling”.
The selection process presented shortlisted candidates with aptitude, numerical, analytical and English proficiency tests to identify the best from the rest, in a drive to seek out future leaders for an economy that desperately needs them.
