UNICEF to prevent diarrhoea outbreak among Rohingyas

BSS, Dhaka :
UNICEF has taken a response plan to prevent any kind of disease outbreak including diarrhoea among Rohingya people, who fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh.
“UNICEF has launched a response plan to prevent disease outbreaks including Acute Watery Diarrhoea and Cholera among Rohingya people, which focused on both prevention and treatment,” said Chief of Health, UNICEF Bangladesh.
Vandenant was speaking at a press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, said a press release.
“What we are seeing is that people are exhausted and children are at risk of diseases. There are real risks of acute watery diarrhoea and cholera. We are very concerned. Therefore, we are mounting a response in the health sector,” said the chief of health, UNICEF Bangladesh.
UNICEF’s response would focus on improving water, sanitation and hygiene in camps including raising awareness among the Rohingya people, informed Vandenant.
According to a UNICEF report, up to 60 per cent of the 500,000-plus Rohingya who have fled Myanmar since August 25 are estimated to be children and most of them are living with limited Water, Sanitation and Hygiene infrastructure due to an absence of planning.