Unicef new ED Fore to take over charge Jan 1

UNB, Dhaka :
Henrietta H. Fore, currently Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Holsman International, will take over the charge of Unicef ‘s seventh Executive Director (ED) on January 1.
She will succeed Anthony Lake as Unicef Executive Director when his term draws an end on December 31.
Unicef welcomed UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ announcement of the new ED of the UN Children’s Fund (Unicef).
“Henrietta Fore will bring a wealth of
experience to Unicef’s work for children,” Lake was quoted as saying in Unicef release.
“I know the organisation will support her as it has worked with me. Her success will be Unicef’s success and thus a success for children.”
The United States also welcomed UN Secretary-General Guterres’ appointment of Fore as Unicef Executive Director.
“Fore will be a powerful voice on behalf of the world’s children in her new position with the UN,” said US Department of State Spokesperson Heather Nauert.
Nauert said Anthony Lake’s leadership, dedication, and compassion have been exemplary. “We thank Lake for his seven years of tireless service to Unicef.”
Fore has nearly four decades of public sector service culminating as the first woman to serve as Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Director of United States Foreign Assistance in the US Department of State (2007 to 2009).
She has also served as Chair and Board Member of many non-profit and for-profit entities, focusing on development and working with children of the world.