Unhygienic food items on sale in Sylhet

S.A.Shofiee, Sylhet :
Unhygienic food items are being sold at almost all the restaurants, bakeries and confectioneries of the Sylhet City and district.
The owners of the restaurants and bakeries do not abide by the rules regarding the public health and hygiene, and as a result, the people are suffering from various intestinal diseases.
A large number of restaurants have sprung up in the City and district located at the bus stand, sub-registry office, court area, hotel bazaar and thana areas.
Besides, many restaurants have been set up here and there in the upazila headquarters and at many businesses Bondorbazar, Zindabazar, Dorgagate, Mirabazar, Subidbazar and Amborkhana, etc. Most of the restaurants are being run with no legal permission from the competent authorities and evading the value added tax (VAT).
For making food the owners of these restaurants use substandard and low quality items. It is found that the workers do not free them from dirt. They cook the rotten and low quality meat of cows and goats and rotten fish by mixing sweet pumpkin, papaya and soda for making condensed juice which cause various diseases like gastric ulcer, dysentery etc.
While visiting the restaurants at different places of the district this correspondent found that the unhygienic state is prevailing there. The workers of the establishments preserve water in plastic drums and serve the same to the consumers dipping their unclean hand in the water, and as a result, filths are mixed with the drinking water.
President of the Consumers Association of Sylhet, unit Jamil Chawdhury said, off and on, the administration conducts mobiles court just for fine only, and the dishonest owners of the establishments think their offenses have been legalised by giving fine.