Unhealthy and painful ways to lose weight

From eating cotton balls mixed with juice to gorging on baby foods and going on a detox diet, here are five bizarre weight loss trends that are not only extreme but should be avoided as they are unhealthy

Weekend Plus Desk :
Changing your nutrition plan? Going on a restricted diet to shed those extra kilos has become quite common among youngsters. Working out requires one to control their food intake along with performing a set of exercises.
However, most of them don’t know about the right way to supervise the intake of their food. While many starts fasting in order to lose weight, dieting only needs one to break bad eating habits, read labels before shopping for food, and eat nutrient-rich, balanced meals.
However, some drastic weight loss procedures have gained widespread popularity among the youth nowadays. Sadly, they are unaware that not only are they bizarre in many ways, but equally unhealthy too. Here are five dieting methods, some of which have been tried by celebrities that are rather extreme and must be avoided.
Cotton Ball Diet
Cotton ball diet includes eating cotton balls by mixing it with juice. This dramatically cuts down calorie intake as it makes one feel full without consuming food. But eating cotton balls is unappetizing and instead of a diet, it is disordered eating. It can lead to abdominal pain, bloating, an absence of menstruation and malnutrition.
Tapeworm Diet
For the tapeworm diet, one has to swallow a pill that will have a tapeworm egg inside it. After the pill gets into your body, the egg inside it hatches and tapeworms will grow inside your body. These tapeworms will gobble down whatever you are eating and lead to weight loss. However, this diet can be really harmful and lead to bacterial infections, abdominal pain and neurological issues.
Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet or keto diet was an extremely popular dieting method among Hollywood celebrities. Known for significantly losing weight in as little as 10 days, it is a low or no carbohydrate diet that forces the body into a state of ketosis. Low carbohydrate levels cause blood sugar levels to drop and thus, the body begins breaking down fat and uses it as energy.
Baby Food Diet
This is basically an effective means to cut down on calories and control portions by replacing several meals or snacks with baby foods like mashed sweet potato, pea puree and blended chicken. All you have to do is eat baby portion (25 to 75 calories in each portion) throughout the day and end with a regular-sized dinner. But, this can be dangerous as baby foods wouldn’t fulfill an adult’s calorie requirement for the day and result in nutritional imbalance.
Master Cleanser or Lemonade Diet
This is a detox diet that requires one to sustain on fluid intakes like lemonades and juices for a span of 10 days. Although popular among celebrities, it should be followed only after consulting a nutritionist. A detox diet will help cleanse your body but since it is a low-calorie diet, it can result in energy deficiency and fatigue. n