Unexpected reasons that can hurt your heart

Weekend Plus Desk :
Our heart is one of the most vital organs and thus we all try to keep it as healthy as possible. We all know that eating healthy, exercising, staying away from smoking and binge drinking can all hamper our heart health. And so we voluntarily stay away from those things. But that’s not enough as there are many other daily habits like binge-watching TV to not flossing that might be sneakily hurting your heart. Here is the list:
Binge-watching TV
You think because you exercise every day, binge-watching at night is completely okay. It is not! Sitting for long hours glued to your TV or phone can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. This is because the lack of movement can negatively affect the levels of fat and sugar in your body.
What you can do
If having a desk job is your excuse, get up every 15 minutes and take a quick stroll to the pantry or around your bay to keep yourself moving.
How many of you have a partner or someone else in the house who snores? I am sure many of us. This habit is not just annoying for others but can also be a sign of sleep apnea, which is linked to high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke and arrhythmia.
What you can do
If you or someone in your family has a habit of snoring, get screened for sleep apnea. There are treatments that can help you improve the condition.
Not flossing
You might be surprised to know that gum diseases and heart diseases are strongly linked. The bacteria responsible for gum disease can enter your bloodstream and cause inflammation.
What you can do
Do not forget to floss your teeth daily and make an appointment with your dentist regularly.
Not having enough fruits and vegetables
Studies have found that people who eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily have 20 per cent lower risk of getting any heart disease and stroke as compared to people who eat three or fewer servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
What you can do
Aim for having at least five servings if not more, of fruits and vegetables every day.
Drinking too much alcohol
We all have heard that moderate drinking can be good for our health, but too much drinking is linked with a greater risk of high blood pressure, too much blood fat and heart failure.
What you can do
Know your limits and do not go overboard.