'It's a revenge of history': Hasina: UNESCO recognition honour for the country

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addressing a grand rally organized by Nagorik Committee to celebrate the recognition of the Historic 7th March Speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by UNESCO as a World Documentary Herilage at Suhra
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addressing a grand rally organized by Nagorik Committee to celebrate the recognition of the Historic 7th March Speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by UNESCO as a World Documentary Herilage at Suhra

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday said the recognition of the historic 7th March speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by Unesco is the revenge of history against those who had tried to erase his name and contributions from Bangladesh history.
“History takes its revenge, history always upholds the truth and history will make his (Bangabandhu’s) place defying all those who try to erase that. Today, Bangladesh has got that recognition,” she said.
The Prime Minister said this while addressing a grand rally organised to celebrate the recognition of the historic 7th March speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a world documentary heritage.
Nagorik Committee organised the rally at historical Suhrawardy Udyan with Professor Emeritus Dr Anisuzzaman in the chair.
Sheikh Hasina said the recognition of Unesco does not bring honour only for the historic speech, but also for the whole country, Bengalee nation, all the martyrs and freedom fighters, and the pro-liberation forces. “All have been honoured with the recognition of this historical speech.”Eminent educationist and Nazrul researcher Prog Rafiqul Islam, eminent educationist and popular novelist Prof Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, eminent journalist and editor of Samakl newspaper Golam Sarwar and eminent educationist Shyamoli Nasrin Chowdhury also spoke at the programme.
Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor recited a poem of legendary litterateur Syed Shamsul Huq on the occasion while eminent poet Nirmelandu Goon recited his own famous poem ‘Jevabe Swadhinata Shobdo Ti Amader’.
Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader read out the ‘Letter of Thanks’ to Director General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) Irina Bokova. It was handed over to the country director of Unesco to send it to the DG.
The programme started with the playing of the national anthem followed by observing a one-minute silence to show respect to all the martyrs.
People from all walks of life, including AL leaders and activists, thronged the venue in processions with banners, festoons, placards, caps and other materials. They were chanting slogans ‘Joy Bangla’ and ‘Joy Bangabandhu’.
The stage was designed like a boat, the election symbol of ruling Awami League.
The 7th March speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was being played on loudspeaker well before the start of the programme.
On October 30, Unesco recognised the Bangabandhu’s historic March 7 speech as part of the world’s documentary heritage. Unesco Director General Irina Bokova announced the decision at the Unesco Headquarters, Paris.
According to the decision, Bangabandhu’s 7th March speech has been included in the Memory of the World International Register, a list of the world’s important documentary heritage maintained by Unesco.
Hasina said history could not be erased through hectic attempts and this has been proved again with Unesco’s recognition of the historic7th Marchspeech of Bangabandhu. She questioned those who had banned this speech and tried to erase the name of the Father of the Nation from country’s history saying, “How’re they feeling now after this recognition? Don’t they feel ashamed of themselves? I don’t know whether they have any shame or not because they are the ghosts of the Pakistani occupational forces,” Hasina said. The Prime Minister said although these people live in Bangladesh, they are the flatters of Pakistan. “That’s why they wanted to distort the history,” she said. Hasina said this section failed to erase the spirit of the Liberation War from the heart of the people of this country. “The great sorrow for us is that the citizens of Bangladesh killed Father of the Nation and tried to vanish the historic speech and banned it.” Hasina, also the chief of the ruling Awami League, said those who came to power illegally by killing the Father of the Nation are responsible for this heinous acts. “They were not born in this soil…they don’t have any affection for this land.” The Prime Minister called on the people of the country to remain alert so that this section of people cannot get any more chance to do the same. “I request you all to remain alert so that the ghosts and flatters of the Pakistani occupational forces must not get any chance to manipulate the country’s history.” Briefly describing various achievements of her government that put Bangladesh in a respectable position at the global stage, Hasina said the people of the country should build themselves so that the rising head of the country must bow down by any means. “The Father of the Nation wanted to see a developed and prosperous nation…we are moving towards that end, the Bengalee nation should prepare itself for that,” she said.
