UNDP to help enhance project management skills


The government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Sunday signed an agreement to implement a $3 million project titled ‘Knowledge for Development Management (K4DM) for ERD UN Wing’.
“This project will further strengthen the UNDP and Bangladesh partnership and offer opportunities to explore new avenues of participatory development,” UNDP, Country Director Pauline Tamesis said while comment on the agreement.
ERD Additional Secretary Md Ashadul Islam also attended the programme.
This joint initiative will be undertaken and executed in the context of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Action Plan over the period 2014-16. The programme directly contributes to the achievement of Bangladesh UNDAF outcomes and builds on the results of K4DM Initiation Plan (IP) 2012-13.
The objective of the project is to simplify programming procedures and improve knowledge management; promote new knowledge and resource partnerships covering the South-South and Triangular cooperation as well as Public-Private Partnership modality; provide support to the planned National Human Development Report; and support a common expert pool, strategic knowledge generation and innovative programming.
The project aims to work in close cooperation with UNDP-supported ‘Aid Effectiveness’ project at the ERD and UNDP-supported ‘Support to Sustainable and Inclusive Planning’ project at the General Economics Division.
The three building blocks to attain the objectives are identified as strengthening collaboration between UNDP, ERD and implementing agencies including the line ministries to support better results, successful leveraging of new partnership modalities such as South-South and Triangular cooperation, private public partnership in support of UNDAF and ensuring sustained knowledge services such as pipeline of innovative projects prototypes, monitoring and evaluation services, operational support services available to all UNDP projects that are being implemented by various line ministries.
