UNDP project in CHT extended by a year

Staff Reporter :
The programme for ‘Promotion of Development and Confidence Building in the Chittagong Hill Tracts’, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] in partnership with the Bangladesh Government, has been extended for one year until September 2016.
The one year no cost extension was formally approved by the Bangladesh Planning Commission earlier this month, in close coordination with the Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tract Affairs and the Economic Relations Division, said a
UNDP press release on Wednesday.
As a result of this approval the Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility [CHTDF] will continue to deliver the same objectives and agreed upon activities in the next 12 months with funding from USAID, Denmark and Sweden.
“The extension will enable the vital work happening under our projects to continue for another year. This is good news for all CHT stakeholders and I thank the Government for their leadership on the matter”, said Mr. Henrik Fredborg Larsen, Director of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility, UNDP Bangladesh.
The next phase of support is expected to come online in 2016.Key focus areas during the upcoming phase will include: (1) livelihoods and food security; 2) sustainable management of Village Common Forests and Reserved Forests; and (3) improved governance and social cohesion.