Understanding complex traits of human behaviourism


Masum Billah :
It’s an irony that people harbor in their bosom the truth about the word ‘snobbery’ but pretend to be angry when the significance of snobbery is uttered before them which shows another kind of hypocrisy of human character. Peculiar is the character of humans which actually has given scope to produce literature in various forms and style by the litterateurs to expose human follies and vices. They have fathomed inside into human characters and tried to show the hidden hypocrisy of humans. Think of the Shakespearean characters in his tragedies and comedies. These characters are roaming around us still, may be, in another sophisticated form. If you look at your organization what you see? Everybody pretends to be a gentleman who in reality harbors unwanted competition and unholy desire to kick you off. Think of your boss. How gentleman and well-behaved he/she exposes himself/herself to be. But if you try to expose any creativity which excels him/her, then you see how he/she behaves with you. You are then their competitor and get ready to receive counter punch from them.
Your boss surely loves and seriously desires snobbishness and also loves to be surrounded by the flatterers. Shrewd flatterers know how to win the heart of the boss. They can easily diagnose the disease in the heart of the boss and accordingly apply there medicine. If you cannot, you will be loser. All of your creation, good and real work will be treated not only futile but you will also be severely criticized and then may be convicted of some imaginary cases. You will be proved just like a fool before the flatterers and the snobs. Your boss likes the flatterers and they just keep some statistics or just memorized figure to satisfy him/her because they know the boss wants this, not the real thing, not the real works. Real workers never flatter, never try to satisfy their boss by snobbishness, flattery and hollow works and promises. Still real workers who really make changes cannot afford to read or please boss’s mind by hollow and false promises. They never compromise with their ideals. They just continue to contribute to the organizations by their untiring and silent works as they are intrinsically motivated.
Why your boss likes and loves this thing? This is because of the culture humans have developed over the ages. You may not be a boss until and unless you waxberry on the soft mind of big guns of your office. The fake people know how much oil is necessary, what kind of oil is necessary and when it is useful and also the art to apply it in time. Proper time and proper place must be understood by you when to put ‘oil’. As your boss has gone there by means of this important thing, definitely you will have to do the same thing if you really want to occupy that position. Proper people are not in proper places. If you search for this truth, you can see it around you, beside you, at your right hand side, left hand side and all around. The irregularly, social injustice , hypocrisy, human sufferings, injustice, unlawfulness, and the extreme form of social problems like anarchy and terrorism develop multifariously due to this fact as it fall outs too.
A boss should be very much judicious. He/she must know, see, assume and forecast the real truth which is always very difficult to identify. When wrong thing is detected, its negative wash back makes maximum people suffer. But who bothers? Who cares for it? Genuine people must be losers. And it has become the order of the day. They must be sufferers. They are offen criticized unnecessarily by the people who are at the helm of affairs just because of their giving oil to proper place. If you belong to this group, I mean the sufferer, don’t get frustrated , don’t get upset. You just continue what you do. Your office is a small pond which does not have the ability to fathom your depth. But the world around you knows who you are. They will reward you. Your work will talk in favour of you although snobs will criticize your creativity and honesty.
Your work will talk for your greater contribution to the society and humanity. You should believe that the snobs must be rewarded. Don’t get frustrated for it. You must adapt yourself with that situation as this is the peculiar go of the world. We have developed this culture, this society age after age, year after year. We have achieved much advancement in the field of science and technology but has become extremely poor in heart and mind. We have become educated which has made us selfish and self-centered. We did not receive education to give solace to ailing humanity rather than to grab their small wealth.
Can you measure the heart of a doctor or the intension of an engineer who is highly educated (?) How can you measure their intention to do good to people. Do you think that their mental situation has been developed even an inch though they have studied so many theories and done so many practices in their discipline.
Then why do you think your boss will be an angel. Has he/she got such kind of training to broaden his/her heart? Undoubtedly, they receive many trainings which are branded as modern and sophisticated management training. Still can they cross certain boundary of their heart? They actually receive the training how to manipulate your talent for the benefit of the organization or unit depriving you. The germ of hypocrisy also germinates here.
Talkers are never good doers. That is those who talk more, in reality they do very little and at times nothing at all. Do you remember reticent Cordelia was disowned by her father because she could not give false promise but her hypocrite sisters and sister-in-laws won all her father’s property? They then plotted to kill King Lear but Cordelia gave him shelter and tried to save her father. Finally, she was also killed. This peculiar characterization of humans has been depicted by Shakespeare four hundred years ago. Still our so-called modern management cannot get rid of snobbishness rather it is rewarded.
Today’s bosses should have training and food for thought from practical situation. Creativity does not arise in turbulent situation. Rather it develops in silent and calm atmosphere which today’s bosses must know.
For a silly and small matter you see lengthy meeting takes place at the cost of valuable time of many staff which, of course, snobs get them involved showing much enthusiasm even though they know it is just the killing of time. Where simple guidance or individual thinking is enough to address a particular issue, the snobs arrange a showy huge gathering. Tagore satirizes these big guns of the society through his poem’ Juta Abishkar’ which we must realize at heart.

(Masum Billah works for BRAC Education Program as an education specialist), Email: masumbillah65 @gmail.com
