Under-Secy-Gen for Peacekeeping Operations due today

Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
UNB, Dhaka :
Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix arrives hereon Sunday on a three-day visit. He will also visit Nepal, India, and Pakistan

till July 3. Lacroix will visit Dhaka, following which he will travel to Kathmandu, Nepal, according to his travel announcement.
Lacroix will then travel to New Delhi, before concluding his trip to the region with a visit to Islamabad. Together, troops and police from these four countries make up close to one-third of some 91,000 uniformed personnel across 14 UN peacekeeping operations.
The purpose of Lacroix’s visit is to thank the four countries for their service and sacrifice in the name of peace, as well as to update on ongoing reforms in the UN peace and security reform area, and specifically the UN Secretary-General’s Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative to make peacekeeping more focused, safer and stronger.
