Russia not to take back nuclear waste: Uncertainty looms on Rooppur Nuke Power Plant


Anisul Islam Noor :
Uncertainty looms large over the future of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant after Russia changed its stand on taking back nuclear waste.
Although the Bangladesh government said earlier that Russia would take back the nuclear waste, nothing has been mentioned about it in the general deal that was signed recently between the two countries.
An official of Ministry of Science and Technology on condition of anonymity confirmed it to The New Nation.
He said although Russia assured Bangladesh at the beginning of taking the responsibility of nuclear waste, but the issue was technically avoided in the general agreement. “We are really frustrated now,” he said.
Official said, Bangladesh has remained in its previous stand, but Russia changed its decision, revealing new idea about preserving nuclear waste. Its present stand is that the nuclear waste would be taken to Russia when it will reach transporting level. After recycling the waste in Russia, it will be sent back to Bangladesh for preserving permanently, the sources added.
Experts said, nuclear waste being highly radioactive and radiation level will remain alive for many decades. If it is not preserved properly, the radiation may spread at any time, which is seriously harmful for human bodies and animals.
Uranium-238 is used in nuclear power plant. But as cent percent of the uranium is not consumed in the nuclear power plant, the remained portion of the uranium will be treated as highly sensitive radioactive waste.
Secondly, the uranium can be used as fuel in nuclear power plant after recycling it, at least the uranium has to be preserved permanently in special area where water cannot reach there. The process is highly technological and expensive one. Only few countries in the world have this capacity, experts said.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) sources said, four more agreements will be signed with Russia before effecting the general agreement. These are – Uranium supply agreement for whole lifetime of the power plant, to take back nuclear waste, to provide service whatever needed in the power plant and to build nuclear power plant infrastructure and develop it.
June last was the schedule time for signing that agreement between the two countries, but till now these agreements were not signed. Due to change of the Russian stand, an uncertainty looms over the future of the highly expensive power of the country.
Two reactors (1200 × 2 = 2400 MW power generation capacity) will be installed in the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant. The reactors are able to generate electricity uninterruptedly for 50 years.
