UN top court raps Colombia over sea row with Nicaragua


The United Nations’ top court on Thursday ordered the Colombian navy to stop interfering in Nicaraguan waters, ruling on a longstanding legal battle over maritime borders.
The International Court of Justice “finds that by interfering with fishing and marine research activities of Nicaraguan-flagged vessels… in Nicaragua’s exclusive economic zone… Colombia has violated Nicaragua’s sovereign rights and jurisdiction,” presiding judge Joan Donoghue said.
The court “finds by nine votes to six… that the Republic of Colombia must immediately cease (this) conduct”, she said, handing down the verdict at the
ICJ’s headquarters in The Hague.
In 2012 the ICJ, which rules in disputes between countries, awarded Nicaragua a swathe of disputed Caribbean Sea territory extending 200 nautical miles from its coastline.But the following year, Nicaragua lodged a fresh case, accusing Colombia ofignoring the ruling.
It alleged Bogota had threatened to use force to back up its claims in the oil- and fish-rich region. Nicaragua’s lawyers also asked the ICJ to make Colombia pay compensation for”the threat or use of force by the Colombian navy against Nicaraguan fishing boats”.
Colombia denied the accusations, saying its presence in the region was “due to other imperatives”, including international maritime rescue and the fight against drug trafficking. The Nicaraguan government welcomed the verdict, saying it confirmed that Colombia implemented a policy that “violated the jurisdiction and sovereign rights” of Nicaragua.
Speaking outside court after the judgement, Colombia’s representative, Carlos Gustavo Arrieta Padilla, said he still believed “the ruling is mainly in favor of Colombia”. The judges “did not ask us to cease our presence in Nicaraguan waters… Theynever ordered us to leave… the area,” Arrieta said.
“The court has maintained the possibility of the Colombian navy being there and doing operations in the fight against organised crime in the area,” he said. Colombian President Ivan Duque said his navy retained its “fundamental” ability to navigate in the area but did not mention if he would accept the ICC ruling relating to Bogota’s interference.
In an evening address to the nation, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said the ICC’s ruling was “clear and irrefutable”, and expressed confidence that Duque would “not go on to violate Nicaraguan rights recognized by the court since 2012.”
