Roundtable on Kashmir Issue and Regional Stability: UN should intervene in Kashmir issue to keep regional stability in SA

 ‘UN should immediately intervene in the Kashmir issue in order to keep regional stability in South Asia and to resist the emergence and inflammation of extremism through a collaborative approach of the countries in South Asia’ opined by the distinguished speakers in the roundtable on “Kashmir Issue and Regional Stability in South Asia” held in SAYPPS center, Dhaka on October 27, 2015, says a press release.
Mr. Z. Mamun, Independent Researcher presented the Key Note Paper while, Mr. Nur Mohammad, General Secretary, South Asia Youth for Peace and Prosperity Society presided over the roundtable.
Mr. Z. Mamun, Independent Researcher; discussed in his key note paper that emphasis should be given on resolving Kashmir disputes immediately for sustainable peace in South Asia and the guardian of peace and security, UN, should come forward. He suggested that the Kashmir issue in the context of regional as well as global perspective, may fuel the rise of extremism in South Asia. In order to circumvent the ill result of extremism, he also suggested finding out appropriate engineering system for resolving this dispute.
Professor Dr. Dilara, Eminent Political Scientist said. ‘Kashmir conflict is one of the causes of violation of Human Rights in South Asia. It causes abuse and death of thousands of people. Thousands of civilian people of Kashmir’s have been killed by militant organization. Besides, the entire situation keeps the stability and peace of South Asia in a grave threat. To stabilize the South Asian region, the issue must be resolved and both India and Pakistan must sit for dialogues to resolve the issue peacefully.
Md. Saif, Security Analyst and a teacher of University of Dhaka; focused in his speech that prosperity and peace of a particular country depends on political stability and economic development.
But because of the absence of trust between India and Pakistan due to Kashmir conflict, the economic development measures in this South Asian region can not become effective and social progress and development of this South Asian Region therefore somehow remain in far away. He mentioned to the fact that EU, ASEAN have succeed in regional economic cooperation but helped resolve the old intrastate conflicts among the member countries. But in case of South Asian Region, due to lack of mutual trust between these two countries, SAARC has failed to make an effective regional cooperative mechanism. That’s why, there is no option left except the intervention of UN to resolve the dispute.
Mr. Zafar Ahmed, Freelance Journalist, said that the failure of negotiation between two states regarding Kashmir issue is responsible for regional instability. The continuation of this epoch long dispute has been bearing so many grounds for extremism and terrorism in South Asia.
Mr. M. Mahmud, Independent Researcher and Lecturer, Glasgow Commerce College opined and stressed on the notion of the UN’s responsibility to bring peace back in Kashmir region. He blamed the governemnt of the both countries that they cannot decline its liability and they must opt for bilateral dialogue to end this dispute.
Students from different private and public universities took part in this roundtable and also placed their view on the brutality carried out by Indian Army at Kashmir and they signified on displacing the Army of both countries and emphasized on sending peace building team of UN to commence their work immediately. They said a real sense of belongingness among the Kashmir’s should be created by providing them with genuine autonomy and peace.
The president of the round table said that Kashmir conflict is one of the causes of regional instability in South Asia. It causes abuse and death of thousands of people. Mr. Nur Mohammad pointed out that only UN and the willingness of these two countries can build a peaceful Kashmir in South Asia. At last he conveyed his vote of thanks to the speakers for their valuable discussion and the students for their wise comments and views on this issue.