UN seeks $877m for Rohingyas in BD

UNB, Dhaka :
United Nations agencies and NGO partners on Tuesday launched the 2020 Joint Response Plan (JRP) for the Rohingya humanitarian crisis and sought $877 million.
Building on the efforts and success of previous years, the appeal aims to raise the amount to respond to the needs of approximately 855,000 Rohingyas from Myanmar and over 444,000 vulnerable Bangladeshis in the communities generously hosting them. The 2019 JRP was funded at just over 70 percent, or $650 million received against $921 million requested. Vital services and assistance including access to food, shelter, clean water and sanitation, require urgent funding and total 55 percent of the overall appeal, with food needs alone accounting for almost 29 percent. Health, protection, education, site management, energy and environment continue to be critical to ensuring the safety and dignity of Rohingya refugees, and the well-being of local Bangladeshis. The government and people of Bangladesh have shown immense solidarity in welcoming the Rohingya refugees, according to a message received from Geneva.
Fostering peaceful coexistence between communities and invigorating the local economy is imperative as this crisis continues. 2020 marks the third year of exile for most Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, following their flight from Myanmar in 2017. The Rohingya are clear that they want to go home, but only when they and their families will be safe, when they can access to basic rights  
and services and see a pathway to citizenship in Myanmar. Support of the 2020 Joint Response Plan is essential to safeguarding the well-being of Rohingya refugees – both now in Bangladesh and once it is safe and sustainable for them to return home to Myanmar, the UN said. Until then, the world must stand by the Rohingyas and by the Government and people of Bangladesh who continue to host them, it added. “Most important will be engaging refugees and hearing their voices and understanding their hopes and vision for the future,” said Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Until return becomes possible, the government of Bangladesh and humanitarian partners continue working together to meet the needs of the Rohingyas and Bangladeshis living nearby and to improve their lives.