UN role to resolve Kashmir dispute stressed


A roundtable discussion on “Human Rights Issue in Kashmir: Youth Perception” has been held at SAYPPS center, Dhaka on Sunday. N. M. Sajjadul Haque; the Chairman of South Asia Youth for Peace and Prosperity Society (SAYPPS) presided over the roundtable.
Eminent Political Scientist Professor Dr. Dilara Islam spoke as the chief discussant at the roundtable and Md. Saif, teacher of Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Dhaka; was present as guest of honor at the roundtable while several other students from different universities also shared their valuable comments and views on this burning issue.
Discussants of the roundtable stressed the needs to take hands-on actions which can minimize the human rights violation in Kashmir. They accentuated on the role of UN and India to create a platform for establishing and protecting human rights for the Kashmiri people and a conflict-free Kashmir.
Professor Dr. Dilara Islam said that India should immediately stop human rights violations by its armed forces on the strength of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act which continues to infuriate the youth of Kashmir resulting in the constant vilification of India in the eyes of the Kashmiri youth. She also said that militant groups need to realize that an armed conflict is neither the solution nor it guarantees freedom. Indian military needs to understand that brutality does not win hearts; and concerned governments, politicians should bring solutions to the table that promises safety to the Kashmiri people and ensures protecting human rights in Kashmir, she added. She urged India and Pakistan should work together to solve the Kashmir crisis and requested the Indian administration to stop using bullets which are making blind the Kashmiris.
Md. Saif, teacher of Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Dhaka; reminded about the history of Kashmir, the ‘Black day’ and February 5, 1964, which is another tragic date for Kashmiri people. He said that this ‘February 5, 1964’ day will be marked as shame day for India since they passed a bill, declaring Kashmir a province of India-an integral part of the Indian union. He mentioned that from October 27, 1947; India has been continuing to violate the basic rights of Kashmiri people. In the twenty-first century, while the entire world is very much aware and active about protecting human rights, India must not remain to violate human rights daily, he added.
Zunaid Al Mamun, Researcher, SAYPPS; said that crackdowns, curfews, illegal detentions, massacre, targeted killings, sieges, burning the houses, torture, disappearances, rape, breaking the legs, molestation of Muslim women and killing of persons through fake encounters have been daily affairs for the Kashmiri people. He mentioned information about Kashmir that since 1989, there have been deaths of more than one lac innocent Kashmiris, 6,969 custodial killings, more than 2 lac arrests and 105,861 destructions of houses. Indian brutal security forces have orphaned over 107, 351 children, widowed 22,728 women, and gang raped 9,920 women. He urged the international civil society and UN to take immediate action in order to stop the row of death and suffering.
A.K.M. Zaid Uddin, former Student of University of Dhaka and researcher emphasized on resolving Kashmir disputes immediately for human rights protection and sustainable peace in South Asia and focused on youth sufferings and brutality of armed forces in Kashmir. He mentioned Amnesty International and the Human Rights Watch have condemned human rights abuses in Kashmir by Indians such as extra-judicial executions, disappearances, and torture.
Hasan Al Mahmud, Researcher, SAYPPS; said that a real sense of belongingness among the Kashmir’s should be created by providing them with genuine autonomy and peace. India is not serious in resolving this dispute, as it is determined to keep its hold on Kashmir, he added. He also said that a civilized world cannot allow it anymore. The people of Kashmir have the right to self-determination. Indian government doesn’t have any right to violate it.
Several other youth leaders and students also raised their voices demanding the immediate conclusion of human rights violation in Kashmir by India and they called for prompt UN effective role to resolve the issue for sake of human rights protection.
The president of the roundtable N. M. Sajjadul Hoque said that in the era of civilized globalization while the whole world is thinking about progressiveness and future, people of Kashmir are still bound to be incessantly concerned about their daily life security and basic human rights. He also pointed out that Kashmir conflict is one of the causes of violation of Human Rights in South Asia. It causes abuse and death of thousands of people. He urged the UN to solve the Kashmir crisis soon for strengthening SAARC. At last, he conveyed his vote of thanks to the chief discussant and the guest of honor including other youth discussants for their valuable discussion, comments, and views on this issue.
