Rohingya crisis: UN expert will visit Cox`s Bazar Feb 20-23


United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar Yanghee Lee begins her four-day visit to Bangladesh on Monday to see situations on the ground on Rohingya issue.
She will visit various locations in Cox’s Bazar district where the population who had fled from Myanmar since October 9, 2016 are residing temporarily in makeshift shelters, according to a message received here from Geneva.The announcement that the military security operations in the north of Rakhine has ceased is welcomed. However, we cannot forget the numerous allegations of grave human rights violations recorded by the team deployed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to Cox’s Bazar last month,” Lee said recalling the OHCHR’s flash report based on the testimonies of over 200 individuals released on February 3.
The human rights expert, who plans to visit Cox’s Bazar and related areas, will focus on the situation of the specific population from Myanmar who had crossed into Bangladesh in the past 4-5 months and the events which have led to their crossing over into the country. aHaving access to these affected communities would help give me a better understanding of their human rights situation in Myanmar,” she said. Following her visit to Bangladesh, the human rights expert will issue an end of mission statement and share her findings when will present a new report at the UN Human Rights Council on March 13. The report will be posted online.
