UN Commission worries about extra-judicial killings

United Nations’ Human Rights Commission has expressed deep concerns and worries for the increasing rate of kidnapping and extra-judicial killings in Bangladesh. It has also demanded punishment of those responsible for the crimes. In a press conference on Monday the Human Rights Forum, Bangladesh has stated that the UN Commission also expressed concerns for some other reasons including torture and death in jail, freedom of opinion and media, bad atmosphere in jail, terrorism and death penalties. Besides, it was stated in the press conference that the Commission has urged to strengthen the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh.

The press conference was attended by leaders and representatives of various Human Rights Groups and Organizations of the country. They informed that the UN body in its Geneva Conference on 6th and 7th March reviewed the initiatives and performances of Bangladesh government in materializing the clauses of the Charter on peoples’ political rights. It should be mentioned that the Charter was approved and declared by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCP) in 2011 and as a signatory Bangladesh was supposed to follow and materialize the Charter.

Newspapers reported that Law Minister Anisul Huq represented Bangladesh in the UN body’s conference in Geneva and explained the government’s position and performances. But despite his efforts the Minister could not satisfy the UN body as it expressed concerns and urged the government to take various steps including punishment of those responsible for kidnapping and extra-judicial killings. Mentioning especially about the Special Power Act of 1974 and the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2009, the UN body has said, as a signatory in the ICCP Charter, Bangladesh cannot make and execute laws which are conflicting with the Charter. The Commission in its observation has said, as there is no provision for accountability, the members of the law enforcing and security forces are committing crimes and even killing people recklessly. They must be controlled, punished and made accountable. The Commission, at the same time, criticized the government’s moves to harass leaders and workers of various opposition parties with false cases.
There are many other issues, including freedom of media in the UN body’s observations and recommendations, but kidnapping and extra-judicial killings have emerged as the main points. The Commission has correctly termed these as serious offence against humanity and human rights. The government should take its observations seriously. Actions to prevent the unlawful activities including especially kidnapping and extra-judicial killings must be taken up. We don’t want to see any more killings and dead bodies of political leaders and workers. The leaders in the government and their advisers must understand that if they go against the UN body’s recommendations the consequence would not bring good results.
